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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ryan just keeps dishing up the hits,

Paul Ryan:

    -Has only held government jobs while telling others government does not create jobs or that government jobs are bad for the economy...CHECK

    -Made his millions as a government employee while telling others that there are too many people dependent on government...... CHECK

    -Received government assistance   (in the form of SS)  when his father died, but NOW wants to privatize or gut social safety nets because these programs are  "hammocks"............ CHECK

    -Enjoys completely government funded retirement and healthcare packages while telling public sector employees that such programs are to expensive and take away their "freedoms"............ CHECK

    -Never held an executive position but is magically qualified  because  "He has  foreign policy experience from speaking  to Generals"............. CHECK

    -Voted for Bush's deficit exploding government  programs but now says The Prez is fiscally irresponsible ............. CHECK

    -Voted to keep Billions of Dollars" off Budget"and out of the tax payers sight BUT claims to be an honest politician...CHECK

    -Voted to bail out Wall Street, but says bailing out main street is socialism ...........DOUBLE CHECK

What is there not to like about Ryan?

The perfect GOP candidate, full of hubris, arrogance, hypocricy and bullshit.

This weekend the Richmonder reported on how Ryan managed to use inside information to avoid the consequences of the 2008 financial crash his policies caused.

I guess that's only illegal if one is not a Congressman:

    It should probably come as no surprise to anyone that someone like Paul Ryan would trade on inside information gained through his position as a congressman to line his pockets, but this particular instance is especially egregious. Ryan attended a closed meeting with congressional leaders, Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on September 18, 2008. The purpose of the meeting was to disclose the coming economic meltdown and beg Congress to pass legislation to help collapsing banks.

     Instead of doing anything to help Americans, Ryan left the meeting and that very same day Paul Ryan sold shares of stock he owned in several troubled banks and reinvested the proceeds in Goldman Sachs, a bank that the meeting had disclosed was not in trouble.

This is the guy Republicans want one heartbeat away from the presidency?

Gordon Gecko/John Galt 2012!!!

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