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Saturday, August 11, 2012

For Fuck's Sake!!! The Oligarch Party has their ticket!

Ryan, born into privilege, has only a BA in economics, and as an adult, has ONLY worked on the taxpayer dime, first as an aid, a speech writer, and then a legislative manager for elected Republicans, before being elected to Congress in 1999. The ultimate hypocrisy, is his statements that: "Government does not create jobs", from a guy that has never worked for anything else.

As for his "Fiscal conservative" bullshit:

He voted for ALL the policies that created the current financial woes: the Bush tax cuts for the rich; the war in Iraq; the Bush Medicare prescription-drug plan, which is the first entitlement without a dedicated revenue source.

As for his "Budget", decried by Catholic Bishops, Nuns, and everyone else not preaching "Prosperity Gospels" as i"Immoral" and "Detrimental to the most vulnerable Americans":

Medicare would be eliminated and replaced with a voucher system in  which seniors would be given a Coupon for $5K and told to negotiate with the health insurance companies. According to the CBO, ten years after the Ryan plan was enacted, seniors would be paying $6,400 per year more for the same health care, as the coupons would not increase to levels that match even with current projected HC cost increases.

His budget cuts 25% of already underfunded transportation spending, also underfunded Veterans' benefits would be cut 13%, education, food safety, air traffic control, environmental protection, almost everything that makes Americans safer, smarter or stronger would see drastic cuts.

The Tax Policy Center crunched the numbers and found that under Romney's proposal, 95 percent of Americans would see their taxes go up by an average of $500, but millionaires would receive an extra $87,000 tax cut.
The net result: an $86 billion annual shift in the tax burden away from those making over $200,000 a year and onto those making less.

There is also the complete lack of integrity in speaking about his principles:

Ryan has described Rand as "the reason I got involved in public service," and reportedly makes staffers read her works.
Then, a few months ago, facing Catholic protestors at Georgetown University, Ryan said he had renounced Rand long ago, and based his budget on "Catholic Values".

A claim that was debunked by Catholic Bishops and nuns...You know, folks that STUDY Catholic values....

It seems to me that Ryan has renounced Rand's politically poisonous atheism, but not her morally bankrupt philosophy of believing that the customer, the tenants, the workers that build the buildings, the roads, the ports etc., the electricians, the glaziers, the teachers and everyone else that made it possible for the success of many millionaires, are considered parasites, just sponging off the intrinsic genius of the wealthy, who inherited their wealth, or the entrepreneur that came up with an idea.

Yet none of these Randian fuckwits, ever build, manufacture, or bring to fruition ANY of their ideas, yet dismiss all those that do as "Parasites".

It is a pathologically narcissistic viewpoint.

His entire bullshit scheme destroys the underpinnings of America, in order to favor a few million Americans at the expense of the other 300 million.

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