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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The dynamics of the Indiana Primary race are such that the populist right is trying to knock off Lugar for being "too mainstream." (Which is patently ridiculous if you compare his crucial vote ProgressivePunch lifetime score, which is 7.11-- neatly between Alabama reactionary Richard Shelby's 7.29 and Kentucky teabagger Rand Paul's 7.06.

In the current session, Lugar has moved so far to the right, to appease the lunatic fringe Republicans have pinned their hopes on, and his score is 3.49, more extreme right than Mike Lee, David Vitter, Richard Burr, Saxby Chambliss or even fascist theocrat Pat Roberts.

They're running an uber right wing tea bagger against him, Richard Mourdock, Indiana's deranged, tax evading, junk bond buying Treasurer.

Polling has Mourdock beating Lugar by 10-- 48-38%. The radical right's gripe with Lugar, aside from having been in office forever, is that voted to confirm Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court and that he favors the START Treaty, the DREAM Act and a rational approach to immigration and gun control. You know, tyranny, and Socialism.

AFP supports Murdoch, which is reason enough to not vote for him.


On one side is a man who has made it his life’s work to build a cross-aisle consensus, working to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists. On the other side is a man who mocks his opponent for such efforts and who talks more about fighting Democrats than fighting America’s enemies.

Enter Dick Mourdock, a tea party idiot, who's cornerstone in his effort to oust Lugar, is Lugar's bad habit of bipartisanship-- never mind that Lugar’s bipartisanship was in the service of protecting millions of Americans from nuclear, chemical and biological terrorism.

The tea baggers have harmed this country as much or more than the Bush administration did!

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