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Saturday, May 19, 2012


Conservatism is the antithesis of democracy.
This has been true for thousands of years.
People who believe that the aristocracy rightfully dominates society because of some intrinsic superiority, are generally conservatives; conversely Liberals believe that we are all of equal social worth.
Aristocracy is a fundamental pillar of conservatism.
All the bullshit about individual freedoms and liberty, what matters most to conservatives is property.

The main goal in life of all aristocrats, besides the accumulation of wealth and power however, is to pass on their positions of privilege to their children...

Mitt Romney is an aristocrat.

And he's making sure that his children are aristocrats too. And, like all aristocrats, they believe their aristocratic privilege is a result of natural superiority. As Steve Forbes says, they believe it's exactly the same as being born with talent or intelligence. It's God-given.

The Romneys who have managed, through an obscure loophole used solely for the extraordinarily wealthy, to leave $100 million tax-free to their clutch of sons.

As we all know, there are different sets of rules in place for the aristocracy, and the rest of Americans.

What these pompous wind bags fail to remember is history. Every time the aristocracy feel that only they deserve the fruits of all labor, it ends very badly for them. As our nation was being born, France was cleaning house. Ending more than two generations of extreme oppression of the working poor, by the aristocracy.

The aristocrats lost their heads over it.

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