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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Too many Republicans prefer bigots

Trump, and the other Republican candidates are playing the scapegoat game once again, this time with Muslims.

During the 2004 Bush campaign, gays and intellectuals were scapegoated, Gay marriage and abortion were held up as serious threats to the American way of life, and unless you voted for Bush, the terrorists gays and abortionists would win.

This is the same bullshit, just with more targeted racism.

Trump is not just capturing the discontent of Americans who are sick of D.C. He's stirring the hatred that lies just beneath the surface of so many of our communities. The kind of hatred that many people want to pretend does not exist. The kind of irrational hatred that inspired Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina; Chris Harper-Mercer in Roseburg, Oregon; and Robert Dear in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

In the past several months, Trump has called Mexican immigrants rapists and suggested building a wall akin to the Great Wall of China to keep them out of the United States.

In mid-November, he pronounced as fact completely made up statistics suggesting that most white people are killed by black people.

When a black protester was assaulted when disrupting one of his political rallies, he stated on national TV that "maybe he should have been roughed up."

Last month, he suggested a mandatory Muslim registry.

This week, he called for a "total and complete" ban on all Muslims entering the United States.

Words matter. Proposals matter. This man is ahead in every national poll. People are flocking to attend his events. People that cheer and applaud his racism enthusiastically!

If this is not proof positive that Republicans are frightened, ignorant bigots that need to be led like sheep, I do not know if there is proof enough to convince you.

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