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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Randal Paul... Has his panties in a bunch over his plagiarism being pointed out, calling reporters "Haters"...
Just FYI Senator, reporters who report the truth are not “haters,” they’re just doing their job: Reporting the facts.

This is a difficult concept for the Fox bots to understand given the continuous stream of bullshit and outright disinformation that emerge from Fox and elected GOPT-tards and their pundits, and treated as fact such as:

—Romney is going to win in a landslide.
—Dr. Seuss is Left Wing Propaganda (for real, from Lou Dobbs.)
— “Fox & Friends’” Anna Kooiman criticized President Barack Obama for contributing his own money to a Muslim museum amid the government shutdown, unaware her source, “National Report,” was a satirical newspaper. (Washington Square News, 11-3-13)
— Man-made global warming is a “hoax”: “With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people?” Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)
—Gov. Rick Perry’s insistence that “Abstinence is working” even though Texas is the #3 state in the country with the highest incidence of Teen Pregnancy, etc.

In the conservative world, science simply interferes with religion and facts interfere with their ideology.

But adherence to facts and truth, Senator Paul, are essential attributes for anyone of character and certainly for reporters and doubly so in this age of the Internet when your BS can be debunked by any precocious 12 year old with 10 seconds to spare and an internet connection.

So when Rachel Maddow or BuzzFeed report that you plagiarized and can prove it, calling for a duel just makes you look like a petulant fuck.
Own up to your BS when caught, especially when you are caught so clearly.

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