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Monday, September 2, 2013

Willful ignorance is the true enemy.

Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for the poor response to Hurricane Katrina than blame George W. Bush, 29-28%-- with another 44% "unsure." Perhaps most Louisiana Republicans didn't recall that they had never heard of Barack Obama in 2005 when Katrina struck. At the time he had been a U.S. senator for a few months.

 "Oh my God," I thought when I heard about this; "are these people voting?
No wonder David Vitter was reelected!"

But, it's hardly just Louisiana Republicans-- even if Louisiana does have the worst education results of any of the 50 states.
 "Seven in 10 Americans believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the 9/11 attacks. One in five thought that Obama was Muslim.

 In another famous poll, Americans were three times more likely to be able to name two of the seven dwarfs than two Supreme Court justices." And they can all vote... and buy automatic weapons!

The drive into insanity, idiocracy and the imbecilization of the American public, a state actively pursued by right-wing strategists for decades, has reached the point where a frighteningly large section of the electorate has no conception of what a 'fact' is!

Let me repeat that.

A large number of Americans have no idea of what constitutes a Fact!

These willfully ignorant Americans truly believe that 'reality' is whatever insane notions lodge in their heads... As many have pointed out before,  the genius of so-called 'reality TV' is that it plays on the fatigue, or perhaps outright animosity, that a large segment of the public has developed toward, er, real reality, and their eager flight into what I like to call 'reality substitute,' based on the premise that reality is now defined as whatever it makes me feel best to believe.

You know, "Facts" such as:  "Obama was born in Kenya and has engaged in a lifelong conspiracy joined by who knows how many thousands of people to conceal it?" and "Obama had the IRS target his political enemies", or my personal favorite amongst Tea Party freshmen: POTUS has no Constitutional right to make recess appointments"

Yes, I am sorry to say, the Tea Party freshmen are so ignorant of how government works, they needed to attend a Civics 101 course. And they STILL have no idea that they are ignorant of the Constitution that they wave about like a banner!

Or "Facts such as: "People and dinosaurs co-existed, and people used dinosaurs as beasts of burden and conveyance" or " 2 each of 7 million species, 14 million animals fit on a single boat".

It is the loss of fact, the ease at which people dismiss observable reality, if it does not coincide with their prejudice and preconceptions; are the reasons Americans are divided, why lies are so easily spread as fact and why America is in such dire circumstances.

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