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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Republicans just stop the double standards.

However the idea that more security would have led to a different outcome, shows a lack of force on force knowledge, and the operation of a diplomatic mission. Even with a group of Marines, the outcome would have been the same, only with a Libyan body count.

Diplomats cannot do their jobs from a bunker or with an occupational force, and according to the State Department embassy personnel are ALWAYS asking for more resources, no matter what the threat level, often without the Ambassador's direction.

Too many conservatives, in their zeal to cast this president as something he is not, are ignoring the reality that embassies are on the front lines,  in fact there were twelve terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities abroad during the Bush administration — the most of any president in history:

  2002 - Nine people killed by bomb blast near US embassy in Lima - seen as attempt to disrupt forthcoming visit by President Bush.
   2002-2006 - Karachi consulate attacks: three separate attacks killed 18 people including an American diplomat
    2002 - Two Marines shot, one killed in Kuwait.
    2003 - Riyadh Compound Bombings kill 9 Americans, among 35 others.
    2003 - Three American diplomats are killed by a roadside bomb targeting their convoy in Gaza.
    2003–present - Damascus terrorist attacks: American interests in Syria targeted radicals.
    2004 - Civilians Nick Berg, Jack Hensley, and Eugene Armstrong kidnapped and beheaded in Iraq.
    2004 - Paul Marshall Johnson, Jr, civilian working in Saudi Arabia, kidnapped and beheaded; five other Americans die in attacks in Saudi Arabia in 2004.
    2007 - American embassy attacked in Athens, Greece.
    2008 - John Granville, US diplomat, assassinated in Khartoum, Sudan

Does that add perspective to your constant bullshit?

So back off the ludicrous white washing of history. The fact free bubble you guys live in actually causes you to harm this nation. You are damaging our country, disenfranchising fellow citizens, and just pissing reasonable people off by denying facts, ignoring science and believing that Leave it to Beaver and the Flintstones were historical documentaries.

So stop it.

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