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Sunday, July 29, 2012

This is the level of hatred, loathing and disinformation the right has produced.

Another verbatim conversation from the wilds.... This is the level of loathing and disinformation  that permeate the conservative mindset. The hatred and vilification of the poor that Reagan began, is in full bloom, and the lies began by Atwater, Rove, Ailes, Limbaugh, Beck, and the other hate'riots told about taxes has firm root amongst low effort thinkers, the gullible and the selfish.

The Great Intellectual     (Really...That's his nick!)
07:18 PM on 07/27/2012
Romney didn't have a Olympic gaffe Romney spoke the truth. I guess the media and the Brits wanted Romney to lie and not mention what the British Press has been mentioning for weeks now.
Also what Obama said was not a gaffe it was his true thought. What I don't understand is how people can say his words were taken out of context. Don't mind the "You didn't build that part" which to me is astonishing a President would say such a thing. But what offended me more was the " They think they are so smart, there is a lot of people smarter than them, they think they work hard, there are people who work a lot harder than them" what I want the President to explain is who is they??? And how is that not a attack on success?

01:06 AM on 07/28/2012
The great intellectual has serious cognitive issues... What YOU heard is the edited version of Obama's statements...And refusing to accept the fact that you were lied to by right wing media and the Romney campaign.....
You were offended because you did not build the infrastructure that helped you to succeed?
I am offended by the continued belief in an easily disproved lie, by you folks, rather than taking the ten seconds to research your poutrage.

You have ignore the actual context of the president's statement and replace it with this ginned up nonsense...

The Great Intellectual
01:58 PM on 07/28/2012
Not at all.
Sorry did you hear the whole speech? Because I did.
How do you take "They think they are smarter than you they think they work harder than you" out of context?
Sorry his speech was full of anger and was anti success. Plain and simple.

5:07 PM 7/28/2012
Your comprehension skills are as weak as your argument...Those are simply not accurate quotations.

    "There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -- look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

YOU seem to be full of hatred for the president, or you would try to comprehend the actual remarks, instead of the Fox reaction to their own edited nonsense.

The Great Intellectual
5:59 PM 7/28/2012
Reading doesn't change my opinion. I watched the speech live. Anger and hatred. If he replaced Rich with Jew he would sound just like Hitler.

6:10 pm 7/28/2012
Thank you once again for proving a complete dearth of intellect, or any subject knowledge about Hitler, WW2, America's history, the POTUS or just about anything else. Where you home schooled by illiterate parents?

By saying, If you were Jewish, you did not get there alone.... Yeah...Hitler to a tee....What a mind bogglinly stupid assertion.

In an offshoot thread, same forum:

The Great Intellectual
02:06 PM on 07/28/2012
Actually I did built that Infrastructure. I was in Construction building a lot of Infrastructure for years. It is you who did not build that my friend.

Also I watched Obama's speech live. Not clips. His speech was full of Anger and Hatred. The whole "they think they are smarter than you" shows his Community Agitator roots. He despises people who can succeed on their own. He thinks by someone succeeding they must of made someone fail or take something from others. It is astonishing how you could agree with Obama's viewpoint and speech.

He used Anger, Envy, and Hatred to push for Tax Increases on successful people. Tax Increases that are only for Political Purposes.
How is raising taxes on the Rich making my tax liability different?

My taxes aren't being lowered so raising taxes on the rich isn't changing anything for me. I guess it makes you Liberal/Progressive happy though because you are unfairly taxing people who have more than you because you are envious of their success.

04:41 PM 7/28/2012
 “Good for you. Nope, I did not build it any infrastructure, that is correct. However I did defend it .

Anger and hate? Envy? Are you sure you watched the same speech?  Since Obama praises successful people frequently, and suggests that the very wealthy give back to the country that made them so, you see that as envy?
Your own superiority complex is on full display, since nothing you have stated is  anything more than the right wing echo chamber's version of reality.
Your taxes are lower than they have been in decades, so cry me a river with your ridiculous claims of unfair taxation...Since you built the infrastructure as you claim, YOU were paid by taxpayers, were you charging too much? Did you do it out of your love for country, or your love of money?

Tax revenues for the nation are where they were in 1950, when there was 100 million less people....You argue with opinion, half truths and your indignation and resentment that you are a part of a society, instead of a hermit.

This nation educated you, and allowed you to succeed as much as you could, and now you do not want to pay for anyone else to have the same opportunity that you did.
It's just selfish and small.”

The Great Intellectual
 5:57 PM 7/28/2012
No I do not want to pay for people on Food Stamps for three generations of their family. No I do not want to pay for generations of families to live in HUD housing. No I do not want to pay for the poor to have a Cell Phone.
The Government didn't give me any of those things to succeed. My family and I earned our food, our home, our vehicles, our phone by hard work not by a hand out.

 4:37 PM 7/29/2012
You have not done so since Reagan's welfare reform eliminated generational welfare in the mid 80s....
HUD? Everyone pays for that, including the people living in them, through sales, excise, gasoline taxes etc. Just say it, you hate poor people, especially poor people of color.

The government provided those things to everyone... EVERYONE!
You earned them, by being a citizen, and by being born into the Social Democracy that America was until the Neo-cons decided that America was only for the wealthy....

Unless you built the libraries, and the schools your family used, the roads you took to get to the schools, paid personally the teachers that educated you, personally laid the electrical and phone lines that powered your home and phone;  you received the bounty of America...You know, the very bounty you and your ilk want to keep from everyone you deem inferior.

It was handed to you by those who came before, and if you cannot understand that simple fact, your intellectual acuity appears to be that of a child. Learn the history of America sparky....Begin with the Depression, and see the effort YOUR grandparents and parents put into this society, the very society you hold in such contempt.

Try being a human being for one full minute and not the ignorant, selfish and pretentious asshole you appear to be.

Still waiting for his reply.

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